

My dad was a merman!

Or so I believed until I was ten or eleven years old. Long after I found out that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny weren't legit, I believed my dad was really a merman, and if he was a merman, I must be a mermaid. (And if that was the case, I was a decendent of Ariel.)

This picture was above my mom's desk in the kitchen for as long as I can remember and I seriously thought it held a huge family secret that only showed in pictures of him underwater. I never told anyone this, not my mom or my brothers; especially not my dad. I figured if he'd tell me when the time was right. Meanwhile, I would put salt in the bathtub every year or so to see if my tail would show.

Maybe it's because of The Little Mermaid, or maybe I was just a strange kid, but I still hold onto the dream that it's all true.


Unknown said...

I had NO idea! But you were always imaginative! Just remember to be careful when leaping up out of the waves! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

such a cute story!

Anonymous said...

It's definitely possible. Tell me, do you still put salt in your bathwater? You can tell me, you know. I'll still be your friend.

Becca said...

Bath salt.

T. Budnik said...

Haha! Good story!


Anonymous said...

I see the tail in the picture everytime I look at it now.

Becca said...

See, I wasn't crazy...